HarmonyOS Connecting to a Simpler Life - Adobotech | Tech, Gadgets Served in Adobo Flavors

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HarmonyOS Connecting to a Simpler Life

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At the TEDxHouHai event Dr. Wang Chenglu, Huawei Consumer BG Software Engineering Dept President and AI and All-scenario Intelligence Business Unit Director, gave a speech titled Connecting to a Simpler Life.


HarmonyOS Connecting to a Simpler Life
Dr. Wang said during his speech that the mobile Internet market, which is centered on smartphones, has entered an era of transformation. He also spoke about how the exponential growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) would present a once-in-a-generation catalyst for market change. Dr. Wang has advocated for cooperation between upstream and downstream players in order to create a thriving new economy and jointly welcome the mobile Internet age.

“Technology has the power to change the world. When I was little, my dream was to be able to watch movies at home, and this is now possible everywhere. The rapid development of the mobile Internet has given rise to cashless payments, online shopping, and ride-hailing, all of which have profoundly changed our lives,” said Dr. Wang.

“But it is clear that the mobile Internet industry, which is centered on mobile phones, is under pressure.” Dr. Wang went on to say, Global smartphone shipments started to decline in 2018, and saw a year-on-year decrease of about 6% in 2020. In addition, the average time that consumers spend on their mobile phones each day has remained at between four and five hours since 2018, indicating that the industry has reached a critical juncture and must be transformed.”

“What are the development opportunities for the next era? Our pursuit of technological innovation never ends. With users possessing more and more intelligent devices, we want to allow these devices to collaborate with each other more efficiently instead of running in isolation, just as humans can communicate with each other. The goal is to make ubiquitous connectivity a reality and transform multiple intelligent devices into ONE smart assistant.”

“For example, after a smartwatch detects that a user has fallen asleep, the lights in the room will automatically turn off and the air conditioner will automatically adjust the temperature to create a more comfortable sleeping environment. The experience will be just like having a dedicated helper at home. Exercise equipment connected to a wearable can serve as your personal trainer, providing scientific exercise tips and comprehensive data analyses in real-time.”

“However, as different devices run on different operating systems, it is difficult to connect them, let alone achieve intelligence. To realize a connected lifestyle, devices must communicate in one common language.”

HarmonyOS lets devices communicate in one language
As a next-gen OS, HarmonyOS enables various intelligent devices to connect and collaborate in one language. HarmonyOS will allow more devices to connect and collaborate with each other than ever before, delivering a seamless, user-friendly experience across all devices. HarmonyOS is also driving the intelligent upgrade of hardware manufacturers, and attracting more traffic to intelligent devices other than mobile phones.

These actions are driving the intelligent and digital transformation of industries 
Dr. Wang said that Huawei aims to have HarmonyOS run on 300 million devices this year, and looks forward to working with industry partners to create a robust ecosystem around HarmonyOS. This will help more people realize their dreams through technology and bring consumers a simpler and better life.

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