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Share your Updates on Social media to Earn Rewards!

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Social media has been an integral part of our daily lives, every waking hour, every precious moment, and every accomplishment. We've all become social media natives, whether we're digitally advanced or not, particularly now that we're in the midst of a pandemic. And it isn't really a bad thing.

Social media helped us stay connected with our loved ones during the months-long lockdown, distracted us from what’s happening, and encouraged us to continue trudging on because, well, we’re all in this together.

It's a safe place to breathe and relax while smiling at cute cat videos (if you follow the right people). It's a place where you can be whoever or whatever you want (or truly are).

It's a never-ending source of amusement. Did you know, though, that you can earn rewards from it as well? And all of this comes at no cost to you? Simply download the FWD Affiliates software, register, and start sharing.

Earn from social media
With the FWD Affiliates app, you can do what you want while still earning money. What you have to do is post content on social media and networking sites such as Facebook, Viber, Messenger, WhatsApp, and email as you always will, and you'll be rewarded. It's a loyalty app that earns rewards for you in the background, even when you're sleeping.

But you don’t have to do all the work. You can also recruit your own affiliates, who will earn rewards for you. The app works like a leads generation system: You earn reward points whenever you share content from the Affiliates app or whenever your friends, followers, or contacts sign up for a financial planning session with our financial experts to know more about FWD products.

The more leads you give, the more points you earn that you can then convert to Sodexo eGCs. The more you recruit, the wider your network will be.

With the FWD Affiliates app, FWD presents information in a simple and direct way. So it’ll be easier for you and your friends to understand the basics of insurance. Financial freedom is achieved by learning and practicing financial planning. Now you can inform and educate like a pro!

Whether you’re looking for—a new side hustle or saving up for something really nice, FWD Affiliates program is here for you. As an FWD Affiliate, you can make use of your social media accounts (and all the time you spend online!) to share and post insightful financial planning articles to grow your network.

Wouldn’t it be great to be able to provide opportunities for your loved ones and other people to achieve financial independence and, at the same time, earn rewards for yourself?

Register at to make a difference, all while earning rewards for yourself!

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