WiFi Mesh vs. WiFi Repeater: Which Works Better in Eliminating Dead Spots at Home - Adobotech | Tech, Gadgets Served in Adobo Flavors

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WiFi Mesh vs. WiFi Repeater: Which Works Better in Eliminating Dead Spots at Home

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WiFi Mesh vs. WiFi Repeater

Hootsuite observed 76 million internet users in the Philippines this year as more people use a hybrid arrangement for school or work. Every household needs a fast and reliable internet connection.

But there may be times when your internet connection gets weaker or slower, making it hard to do things. Most of the time, it's because your devices are too far from the router or because thick walls block the signal from the router, which can cause dead spots.

To improve your WiFi connection at home, a quick Google search may lead you to use WiFi enhancers — but with another dilemma: between a WiFi Mesh and a WiFi Repeater, which one will work better for your needs?

But first... what is WiFi dead spots?
Before deciding to buy, identify your home's WiFi problems, like too many devices connected and taking up bandwidth at once can cause slowdowns. Moving away from the router can cause internet signal loss. The latter is a WiFi dead spot or a place with a weak internet connection. Thick walls and floors reduce the WiFi signal's ability to travel through the router.

WiFi Mesh vs. WiFi Repeater

WiFi Mesh System vs. WiFi Repeater
Both WiFi Mesh and WiFi Repeater can boost WiFi coverage and eliminate dead spots in the home. However, one performs magic differently from the other.

A WiFi Repeater increases the range of your router's signal by establishing a new WiFi network that wirelessly collects incoming data from the original network. A basic repeater device can be purchased for less than ₱1,000, however, it has a number of drawbacks despite being reasonably priced.

First, since a repeater just captures the data and rebroadcasts the wireless signal, the bandwidth is reduced. Expect the internet connection on your devices to become slower as a consequence.

There is also the inconvenience of having to configure each repeater and its separate wireless network. As you go throughout your home, you must manually connect each device to the secondary network that is nearest to you. Worse, if you have a relatively large home with multiple levels and walls, you will need to install and link as many repeater units as possible.

A WiFi Mesh, meanwhile, functions as a second router, creating an additional access point within the original WiFi network. Thus, a collection of mesh devices or a WiFi Mesh System functions as a single network connection, offering the same connection speed and quality in areas where the devices are installed. And since a mesh node already extends the WiFi network's reach, you do not need to manually connect your device to it. The more WiFi Mesh devices you place within your home, the more robust your connection will be, even in previously dead zones.

What is the best WiFi Mesh model to get?

A high-quality WiFi Mesh can significantly boost your home productivity. WiFi 5 Mesh or WiFi 6 Mesh, depending on your and your family's needs, are the two available models.

WiFi 6 provides faster overall speeds and larger bandwidth, allowing you to connect many devices anywhere in your home without interruption. This is compatible with smartphones, laptops, smart TVs, and pretty much any other smart device released in 2019 or later. Thus, it is an excellent alternative for intelligent, automated houses.

Stay connected throughout the day. WiFi 5 similarly gives smooth connectivity and coverage on a budget. As a less expensive option to the WiFi 6, it is more compatible with older or pre-2019 devices.

Nevertheless, there may be no need to be so picky about which device you should choose. Focus on the objective: eliminate dead zones in your home immediately with a WiFi Mesh system. Either the more advanced WiFi 6 or the more cost-effective WiFi 5 will serve your needs adequately, allowing you to complete your tasks and spend more quality time with your family.

PLDT Home offers the most effective WiFi Mesh devices to address your connectivity demands if you experience internet dead spots at home. If you upgrade to a Fiber Plus plan, you can get WiFi 5 Mesh (Tenda Nova MW6) at no extra cost.

PLDT Home also offers other Mesh brands and units on top of the plan – including WiFi 6 Mesh (set of 3) for Php 699/mo and WiFi 5 Mesh (set of 2) for P198/mo both on a 36 months installment.

For more information including other payment terms, visit https://pldthome.com/wifimeshsystem

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