The newest Timezone venue joins 61 other locations in the Philippines that provide peak enjoyment and exciting social experiences to over 2 million guests.
The Timezone Festival Mall location features tap card technology that allows visitors to quickly and easily recharge their Timezone Powercards in-store or from anywhere in the world using the Timezone Fun App.
Timezone provides three short bowling lanes so that customers can enjoy knocking down pins without having to change into bowling shoes. There are also billiard tables available for friendly competition among friends, family, and coworkers after a long day. Both are great ways to wind down the day while still getting some exercise.
The Party Room is perfect for kids and family celebrations of all kinds, with space for up to 50 people and a full complement of entertainment options. Corporate activities, such as team-building sessions, can be held in the Party Room for as little as ₱550 per participant.
From May 19 to June 1, 2023, guests have the opportunity to take advantage of an amazing promotion. Customers will receive a bonus of ₱850 of game credit and 100 tickets with every ₱600 Powercard load purchase. From May 19 to May 25, 2023 users of the Timezone Fun App can install a ₱1,000 Powercard for only ₱600 through a special promotion.
At Timezone Festival Mall, people of all ages can enjoy themselves and create shared memories. The Timezone Festival Mall is located on the mall's Civic Drive extension's ground floor.
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