Visa and Maya Launched Olympic Games Paris 2024-Themed Card  - Adobotech | Tech, Gadgets Served in Adobo Flavors

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Visa and Maya Launched Olympic Games Paris 2024-Themed Card 

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Maya-Olympic Games Paris 2024

Maya and Visa have teamed up to celebrate Filipino pride and support Philippine athletes heading to the Olympic Games Paris 2024. They've launched a special limited-edition Paris 2024-themed Visa Card to inspire users with the spirit of the Philippines on the world stage.

After the success of the Maya FIFA Women’s World Cup Visa Card, Maya and Visa have created the Paris 2024-themed card to further support Filipino athletes. This collaboration aims to highlight the achievements of our nation’s sports icons.

The card features artwork by Leinil Francis Yu, a famous Filipino comic book artist known for his work with Marvel Comics. The design celebrates the resilience and determination of Filipino athletes, including EJ Obiena, a pole vaulter set to compete in Paris 2024. Yu’s design embodies the Olympic spirit and instills a sense of pride and aspiration in every cardholder.

The Paris 2024-themed Visa Card allows users to show Filipino pride with every transaction, anywhere in the world. It is accepted by over 130 million merchants and can be used at over 1 million ATMs globally, making it a convenient travel companion. Maya also offers free customization with your @username, adding a personal touch to the card.

This card not only looks great but also offers benefits. Every transaction can increase your interest rate up to 14% per year and give you a chance to win an all-expense-paid trip to Paris to watch the Olympic Games live. The card is available for ₱250 through the Maya app, making it accessible to all.
Pepe Torres, Maya's Chief Marketing Officer, said, "Our partnership with Visa for the Paris 2024-themed card reflects our dedication to global convenience and local pride. EJ Obiena, our Olympic hero, is perfectly captured through Leinil Yu's stunning art, making this card a must-have for every proud Filipino."
Jeff Navarro, Visa Country Manager for the Philippines, added, “Visa is proud to support Filipino athletes. We are excited to launch this limited-edition card with Maya. With the Paris 2024-themed card, we honor our athletes' achievements and hope Filipinos will enjoy its benefits and showcase their pride in sports.”
Support Filipino athletes and embrace the Olympic spirit with every use of this card. It’s more than a payment tool—it’s a symbol of national pride and a way to support our athletes on their journey to the Olympic Games in Paris 2024.
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