New Charging Technology in New Infinix Mysterious Phone - Adobotech | Tech, Gadgets Served in Adobo Flavors

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New Charging Technology in New Infinix Mysterious Phone

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Given Infinix's history of developing amazing smartphones, the thought of a next-generation phone from Infinix displaying astonishing new technology developments like 160W sets the scene for much more to come.


It was revealed on April Fools' Day that Infinix was working on a mysterious new 150W charging technology for a future handset. While it was initially regarded as a prank because the message was published on April Fools' Day, it turns out it wasn't a joke at all and was simply a preview of upcoming 160W charging technology. A hint of a new mystery Infinix phone supporting 160W Ultra-Fast Charge was just leaked on XDA.

What is 160W fast charging all about?
160W charging is a very complicated technological process. For one, the current in-market technology for charging speeds in 6C cell batteries is well below 160W, it’s actually around 125W (branded Flash Charge) by OPPO. The leading fast charging technology was just recently introduced by Xiaomi with a whopping 10C cell 200W charging system.

This puts Infinix in a very strong position standing shoulder to shoulder with the market leaders in the industry. Given the speed at which Infinix has brought products to market in the past, it would be very interesting indeed if Xiaomi takes too long bringing their 200W chasing to market, giving Infinix a chance at getting to market first with their 160W charging system, which is still absolutely incredible for the markets in which they operate.

Since Infinix has always placed a strong emphasis on emerging markets. Infinix has always known precisely what its local clients want and need, and a new phone would be a terrific opportunity for them to demonstrate their dedication to pushing the technical envelope.

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