JesCom Now Accepts Cryptocurrency Donations Via PDAX - Adobotech | Tech, Gadgets Served in Adobo Flavors

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JesCom Now Accepts Cryptocurrency Donations Via PDAX

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Jesuit Communications Foundation (JesCom), the media arm of the Philippine Province of the Society of Jesus, is now taking bitcoin donations with the assistance of the local digital asset exchange PDAX, in an effort to further digitize its operations.

JesCom partnered with PDAX for its 'Donate' service, which enables non-profit groups to accept payments in Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Smooth Love Potion (SLP), Dogecoin (DOGE), and seven other tokens via a website hosted by the cryptocurrency exchange.

Presently, overseas donors are unable to transfer contributions directly to Philippine-based organizations due to a lack of financial services facilitating such transactions. Typically, these come with costly fees and require several days to process.

Through PDAX Donate, nonprofits like as Jescom now have access to an extra worldwide donation channel that enables them to tap into the burgeoning crypto community, including the approximately 7 million Filipinos, according to data from crypto startup Triple A. Donors can send straight from their cryptocurrency wallets in real-time and at a lesser cost due to the usage of blockchain technology, which enables faster and less expensive cross-border payments.

The donated funds are credited directly to the organization’s PDAX wallet and can be converted to Philippine Peso to reduce exposure to price volatility. Using the service, Jescom can enjoy no minimum or maintaining balance for their PDAX accounts, which they can withdraw from at any time. Organizations can also rest assured that their crypto donations will remain secure in their wallets as the platform employs various security measures.

“During the pandemic, we discovered two things: millions of Filipinos are willing to help out where they can, even during an economic crisis, and crypto is revolutionizing the way people exchange goods and services. We’re glad that PDAX has found a way to address these two trends with PDAX Donate,” affirmed Jesuit Communications Foundation Executive Director Fr. Nono Alfonso said.

According to Nichel Gaba, Founder, and CEO of PDAX, the new PDAX Donate service is part of the company’s advocacy of promoting and enabling financial inclusion in the Philippines with the help of blockchain technology.

“Now with PDAX Donate, Filipinos can also use their crypto to donate to the NGOs and charities of their choice with just a click of a button. Not only does this promote financial freedom, but also bayanihan among Filipinos.”

How to donate through PDAX Donate

Go to
Select the crypto that you wish to donate, then input your pledge amount.
Provide your details and the purpose of your donation.
Scan the QR code or copy the wallet address and send it from your desired exchange or crypto wallet to complete the transaction.

JesCom is a non-profit media organization that develops and distributes faith-based material via multiple channels, including tv, radio, social media, and print. It was created in 1989 with the purpose of spreading the Good News and promoting Christian principles utilizing current communications technologies.

JesCom has produced many hours of religious programming, including award-winning programs such as "The Word Exposed" and "Kape't Pandasal." JesCom has been in operation for almost three decades. In 2017, JesCom's flagship feature Ignacio de Loyola became the first Filipino movie to win "Best Film" at the renowned Mirabile Dictu International Film Festival at the Vatican. Ignacio, a Latin American box office success, particularly in Mexico, also received the Audience Award at the 12th Cine Con Valores Film Festival.

PDAX is a cryptocurrency exchange licensed and controlled by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas that allows users to buy, sell, and trade digital assets.

Cryptocurrencies are a new and innovative way of donating that allows people to give without having to go through a third party. With blockchain technology, crypto donations are also more secure and transparent, so donors can easily check where their donation goes.

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